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#RecordedLIVE Presents: Danny Emerson

A monthly blog showcasing upcoming Artists #RECORDEDLIVE at Mr. BANG! Studios.


A gently crafted musical poet with a generous twist of magic! A sound hug for the soul.

Danny weaves an emotionally rich tapestry of silver lined songs with naked honesty, rhythm, and an enchanting voice. A folk and blues infused acoustic guitar accompanied journey deep into the heart of matters.

In the beginning there was the word. Flitting about festival fires and community events saw Danny make a little name for himself. He saw it was good, and soon word of mouth was mouthing off about living your purpose and other inconvenient truths.

Then there was light. Stages, studios, the sound grew, and the man knew - twas time. Embracing the call of service in the troubadour way, he looked fear right in the eye, tripped, picked himself up again, and stepped into the mirror of meaningful bardic purpose.

Danny's music comes from a deep personal place, and has the power to transport you in and out of the same. It calls your soul, opens your heart, and gently offers to lift free the things that would bind you. Laugh, cry, dance… it’s an unpredictable ride, it’s all welcome, ...welcome, come home.

Danny Emerson - "The Call"

What are you listening to right now?

"Right now? …an impromptu sonata of candle splutter and wind whispers! It’s funny but I think I spend so long in my own music world I probably don’t listen to as much as others. A lot of what I listen to is local artists who I’m meeting and hearing live, and recently online too.

I’ll join Spotify soon, perhaps when I release my own music for streaming, and that will change things. I know it’s an amazing way to explore and listen to music, like an AI friend who’s into mix tapes! But the other side of that model is so wrong; artists trying to survive on fractions of a penny per play."

Who would your dream collaboration be with? (Past or present)

"Hmm, there’s loads of artists I’d love to meet, especially from the past. And certainly lots of music styles I’d like to play with, but I’m also drawn to the intimacy of one person bringing their song. I guess I should be collaborating with a good producer, but that’s a bit of an unknown world to me right now.

So two bands come to mind: Lau and This is the Kit. Both beautiful soundscapes, folky hearts; would be wonderful! I’d also really like to experiment with dance music, play with that expression of my energy =)"

Danny Emerson - "A Stitch In Time" (Originally by Mike Waterson)

Where was your first ever gig and where is your dream venue to play?

"It was at the Half Moon in Putney, London. I used to go there with a friend every week to their unsigned night, with dreams of one day joining the bill. Then one day came sooner than expected when a band pulled out and the organiser asked me if I’d fill in. I heard myself say yes through a heart skip!

I’d love to play in grand theatres, old ones, with ornate luxury décor that reminds you this is a special moment, and keeps a sense of intimate magic."

When did you start writing original music?

"It’s hard to put a date on it, does tinkling around on my Mum’s dinky Casio keyboard count? If so write me up as a child prodigy! I had a love of words and imagination and music from when I was young, but I think I began more seriously crafting songs in my early twenties. Mostly long, melancholic, self-focused odes to pain and suffering – the things I needed to work through and express at the time. They had something, but I’m kind of glad I didn’t have the confidence to put them out into the world in any permanent capacity. That’s been a whole other journey."

Danny Emerson - "Turn My Little Light On"

Why did you decide to pursue music?

"Ahhh, why the journey, why pursue the Rainbows end? Is it a madness? A misplaced faith in rich rewards and leprechauns? A deep craving for validation? Hmmm, we must all ponder, but I suppose I should give my best account…

I needed to play music. When I was 16 there were songs that spoke to me, that told me I wasn’t alone. I needed to play those songs. Sometimes in the late space of a party I’d play them for others, and they were somehow touched in the same way. And so grew a sense of purpose, that I might help people in the way I’d been helped. That perhaps my own experiences and reflections could be a light for others if I learned how to craft them into art. That I might even enjoy that!"

Danny Emerson


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This session was recorded LIVE at Mr. BANG! Studios

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